Online Courses & Programs

Learn more about yoga, ayurveda, methods of manifesting, the chakras, and more, through our online course offerings. Courses count toward YA continuing education hours.


Highlighted Courses & Programs:

Journaling Through the Chakras

Embark on a journey of self- discover, healing, and harmony.

Course Description: Providing a brief educational overview, reflection questions, and journaling prompts for each of the seven primary chakras, you will explore deep within yourself and all aspects of well-being, while finding the answers and strategies to cultivate a greater sense of inner-peace, liberation, and harmony surrounding you.

Ayurveda- Introduction & Implementation

Course Description: Deemed the “Sister Science of Yoga,” and translated as the “Science of Living,” Ayurveda is an ancient health and healing system dating back over 5,000+ years and becoming more popular in western society with its long-standing principles and impactful practices. This course provides an overview of Ayurveda’s historical roots, introduces students to the foundational principles, core concepts, and key practices, while examining how one’s lifestyle choices, behavior, as well as social and environmental interactions affect one’s health. Students examine the three constitutional “Doshas” (unique mind-body types) and analyze techniques and methods by which one may optimize their health, performance, and well-being.  This course places an emphasis on implementation tools and strategies to successfully integrate Ayurveda into one’s daily living.

Additional yoga and holistic health courses and wellness programs coming soon!