Ayurveda: The Science of Living

Ayurveda is an ancient holistic health and healing system from that is becoming more popular in western society with its long-standing principles and practical yet extremely impactful practices. Ayurveda not only looks at the person as whole, but takes into consideration various environments, the seasons of the year, times of the day, interactions with one’s surroundings, etc.

Ayurveda emphasis disease prevention and encourages the maintenance of optimal health and balance in one’s life.

The teachings of Ayurveda enables individuals to understand how to create balance of the body, mind and consciousness according to one’s own constitution. The practice of Ayurveda starts by integrating simple principles and daily lifestyle changes to bring about and maintain this balance for a greater quality of life and longevity.

Lindsay as Your Guide

While the principles and practices of Ayurveda are very practical, taking the effective steps toward implementing them correctly and consistently may require the assistance of a specialist.

Guidance at Glance

Lindsay specializes in teaching the foundations of Ayurveda and how to successfully integrate its principles and practices into one’s daily life in way that will not overwhelm you and lead toward a positive transformation.

During your consultation, Lindsay will asses your Ayurvedic constitution and review basic principles as related to your individual constitution. She will intake additional information relating to your food and beverage intake, daily routine and activities, living and work environment, social interactions, etc.

Dependent on your prior knowledge of Ayurveda and information collected, Lindsay will provide educational material, a plan on how to either get you started on your Ayurvedic journey, or help you progress, food charts and dietary recommendations, as well as suggested daily practices and activities based on one’s current level, schedule, and needs. An ideal timeline and additional sessions will be discussed together.


Interested in getting started on your Ayurvedic journey or have questions regarding the service? Request a FREE 15-minute consultation with Lindsay via zoom or phone call using the form at the bottom of this page.


Want to get started on your own?

Check out Lindsay’s comprehensive and in-depth online Ayurveda course offering.