When I read it again, it touches me deeply. Probably because I feel like I was writing to my previous self. It is only a short portion of the long, heart-felt response written to a person that felt lost and unsure of what to do next. Unedited and raw, I share some of the advice I had offered:
“Push yourself. When I am down emotionally, mentally, and spiritually...I start by pushing myself physically. To wake up early, to workout, to do little fun things I would normally be lazy to do (even though I know when you are broken or having those moments, you don’t want to). And for sure there’s a time to just let yourself be. But maybe just push yourself to do a little something you love or even better if you can, something your inner child once loved: body surfing in the shorebreak, skateboard, play a game, etc. Feed the inner child, and I tell you it manifests into more! Dancing. I use it all the time now. My friend and I call it « mood-shifting »… just put on some good music and groove. Even if you don’t feel like it...do it. It’s easy and helps.
You find confidence when you push yourself. And when you find confidence, you find more positive things like motivation and self-worth...you raise your spirit...you feed it...and by feeding your spirit, you nurture yourself...and your inner light starts to shine brighter and brighter...and you eventually become stronger mentally and emotionally…and soon enough you will resurface as a better version of yourself… and everything feels possible again! At least it seems to work for me.
So push yourself! It might just start by “going through the motions”. But you will gain momentum and you will reap the rewards.”
This is still my first piece of advice to anybody that is in need of finding a little momentum in life. It is only a small piece of advice but it is practical and it has the potential to manifest into much more.
Over the last decade, I have found a variety of ways to rediscover my inner strength and gain momentum. But the easiest and most consistent way for me to find strength (and eventually confidence) is to start by feeling it physically. So I begin by working out and forcing myself to do more of the physical activities I know I love- and yes, even if it feels like I am just going through the motions for days and days. Because it is here-in the physical form- that I can truly witness my own strength and power. And I think this is what inevitably builds my mental strength and empowers my spirit.
Perhaps you were expecting something more. However, the reality is that we don’t always need grand gestures or extreme methods to make major changes in our life. Making small shifts can add up to big movements.
So if you’re unsure where to start. Start by pushing yourself physically. Go for a hike, join a fitness group or gym, challenge yourself. Take up a new physical activity or spend more time in the one(s) you have always loved. Force yourself if you have to. It’s easy to be lazy. It takes strength and courage to live. Again, just go through the motions if you need to; get up, get dressed, get out, get moving. And do it again the next day or as long as it takes. YOU WILL gain momentum and YOU WILL find your inner strength and courage, and YOU WILL ignite your fire again!